Dog facts

Cool Dog facts! We will answer all your questions about dogs plus requests, giving you plenty of fun facts about dogs! We can find an answer for all those little questions that we punctually ask ourselves, for example how to calculate a dog’s age, why dogs lick their Masters. We can also learn to understand the language of dogs and many other fun facts about the world of dogs. Whether they are purebreds or not doesn’t matter, our four-legged friends are simply extraordinary and certainly full of delicious secrets and strange habits; we are sure that you haven’t heard of all the fun canine facts were going to talk about!

For example, do you know how and how long dogs sleep and what their favorite positions are? Do you know what are the most famous dogs in history or how dogs see? And who knows how many other things you ask yourselves without getting any answer- this is why we are here! There will be ample space for your curiosity, to which we will try to give clear and comprehensive answers. Follow us and we will reveal all the secrets of the canine world!

canine territory

The Boundaries between Man and Dog

There is a line between man and dog that should never be crossed, especially if the dog is an unknown dog! In order to...
why dogs howl

Why dogs howl and what to do if your dog howls at night

Our four-legged friends communicate with each other in different ways and some of these derive from their closest relation: the wolf. Canine language is therefore...
where should dogs sleep

Where should dogs sleep? Our armchairs or a doghouse?

Where should dogs sleep? The “dog on the armchair” is a classic. Anyone who has shared much of their life with a dog knows...
dogs and wolves

The process of domestication of the dog: from the wild wolf to today

Scientists are not yet entirely clear how and when the domestication of the dog happened. The origins of the age-old friendship between dog and man are lost in the...
dogs sense of smell

Dogs sense of smell: Dog Sniffs & Nose games for dogs

Dogs sense of smell... One of dog’s natural predispositions that bothers many human, and often inexplicably provokes disgust, is their tendency to sniff. But...
emotions in animals

Negative and Positive Emotions in Animals

There are events for which our dog turns on like a light bulb, and takes special provisions in response to events that are going...
understanding dog language

Understanding dog language, from body language to vocalizations

We often here that the only things our dogs are missing is the power of speech. In fact the dog language is not so devoid of...
Dog Poisonings and Criminology

Dog Poisonings and Criminology: Profiling those who poison dogs

Poisoning a dog is the most sinister violence that can be done not only with regard to pets, but also against the humans who own...
Gay dogs

Gay Dogs & Dog Mounting, do dogs have sexual preferences?

When two dogs males or two females come together, it can happen that one of them tries to mount another and contrary to what humans think,...
dominant dog behavior

Dominant Dog Behavior: Advice on what to do

Most humans do not realize that with their body language, gestures and habits tell their four-legged friend: " ok, you command and we will obey you." Here,...