Home Dogs Dog facts

Dog facts

Cool Dog facts! We will answer all your questions about dogs plus requests, giving you plenty of fun facts about dogs! We can find an answer for all those little questions that we punctually ask ourselves, for example how to calculate a dog’s age, why dogs lick their Masters. We can also learn to understand the language of dogs and many other fun facts about the world of dogs. Whether they are purebreds or not doesn’t matter, our four-legged friends are simply extraordinary and certainly full of delicious secrets and strange habits; we are sure that you haven’t heard of all the fun canine facts were going to talk about!

For example, do you know how and how long dogs sleep and what their favorite positions are? Do you know what are the most famous dogs in history or how dogs see? And who knows how many other things you ask yourselves without getting any answer- this is why we are here! There will be ample space for your curiosity, to which we will try to give clear and comprehensive answers. Follow us and we will reveal all the secrets of the canine world!

dog pack leader

Why is it so bad to talk about dog pack leader?

When a dominant dog can stand up to all the other males of the pack, some time ago, this dog  was called the "pack leader ". Today this...
dog motivations

Dog motivations, Behavior & Canine psychology

When talking about dog psychology and behavior of dogs we will observe all those behaviors that your dog shows when undertaking certain activities, choosing certain goals, as...
how to pet a dog

How to pet a dog, where do dogs like to be pet?

Often we assume that stroking a dog, petting him, or otherwise interacting with him through physical contact is always interpreted by our friend as a...
Mistrustful Dog

Dog nervous around strangers? What does science say!

We always trust our friends! If we have a dog that is towards strangers, there is always an underlying reason; in most cases, the dog is suspicious towards...
Is it good to sleep in bed with your dogs

Is it good to sleep in bed with your dogs? What does science tell...

While life for owners and their dogs are relatively quiet and very common, scientists never seem to agree and are constantly squabbling about the...
dog that asks for forgiveness

Apologetic Dog Behavior- How do dogs say they are sorry?

Even dogs ask for forgiveness, both to one another and to their human being. For example, if a person may scold a dog because...
Can dogs and cats live happily together?

Can dogs and cats live happily together?

Often the famous saying " fighting like cats and dogs " is worthless, despite their differences; Dogs and cats can live happy without any problems, unlike many two-legged...
Dogs and earthquake

Dogs and earthquake, behavior & predictions! Do dogs feel earthquakes?

Compared to humans, dogs have a greater drive through their senses, especially thanks to their more better developed sense of smell and hearing. But is...
why dogs lick their owner

Why do dogs lick their owner’s feet, hands and face?

Have you ever wondered why dogs lick their owner’s feet, hands and face? If you think they’re doing it just because they want to...
dogs sense of direction

A dogs sense of direction and the importance of taking your dog for a...

Have you ever wondered how your dog orientates himself and explores the world around him? If you want to make your four legged friend very...