Home Dogs Dog facts

Dog facts

Cool Dog facts! We will answer all your questions about dogs plus requests, giving you plenty of fun facts about dogs! We can find an answer for all those little questions that we punctually ask ourselves, for example how to calculate a dog’s age, why dogs lick their Masters. We can also learn to understand the language of dogs and many other fun facts about the world of dogs. Whether they are purebreds or not doesn’t matter, our four-legged friends are simply extraordinary and certainly full of delicious secrets and strange habits; we are sure that you haven’t heard of all the fun canine facts were going to talk about!

For example, do you know how and how long dogs sleep and what their favorite positions are? Do you know what are the most famous dogs in history or how dogs see? And who knows how many other things you ask yourselves without getting any answer- this is why we are here! There will be ample space for your curiosity, to which we will try to give clear and comprehensive answers. Follow us and we will reveal all the secrets of the canine world!

Mistrustful Dog

Dog nervous around strangers? What does science say!

We always trust our friends! If we have a dog that is towards strangers, there is always an underlying reason; in most cases, the dog is suspicious towards...
dog motivations

Dog motivations, Behavior & Canine psychology

When talking about dog psychology and behavior of dogs we will observe all those behaviors that your dog shows when undertaking certain activities, choosing certain goals, as...
dominant dog behavior

Dominant Dog Behavior: Advice on what to do

Most humans do not realize that with their body language, gestures and habits tell their four-legged friend: " ok, you command and we will obey you." Here,...
Dog Poisonings and Criminology

Dog Poisonings and Criminology: Profiling those who poison dogs

Poisoning a dog is the most sinister violence that can be done not only with regard to pets, but also against the humans who own...
emotions in animals

Negative and Positive Emotions in Animals

There are events for which our dog turns on like a light bulb, and takes special provisions in response to events that are going...
dogs and wolves

The process of domestication of the dog: from the wild wolf to today

Scientists are not yet entirely clear how and when the domestication of the dog happened. The origins of the age-old friendship between dog and man are lost in the...
canine territory

The Boundaries between Man and Dog

There is a line between man and dog that should never be crossed, especially if the dog is an unknown dog! In order to...
dogs sense of direction

A dogs sense of direction and the importance of taking your dog for a...

Have you ever wondered how your dog orientates himself and explores the world around him? If you want to make your four legged friend very...
bring a dog into their lives

What drives people to bring a dog into their lives

What do you think made you decide to get a dog ? Have you ever wondered what kind of relationship you have with your four-legged friend? It’s time to...
dog pack leader

Why is it so bad to talk about dog pack leader?

When a dominant dog can stand up to all the other males of the pack, some time ago, this dog  was called the "pack leader ". Today this...