Why is it so bad to talk about dog pack leader?
When a dominant dog can stand up to all the other males of the pack, some time ago, this dog was called the "pack leader ". Today this...
How to pet a dog, where do dogs like to be pet?
Often we assume that stroking a dog, petting him, or otherwise interacting with him through physical contact is always interpreted by our friend as a...
Is it good to sleep in bed with your dogs? What does science tell...
While life for owners and their dogs are relatively quiet and very common, scientists never seem to agree and are constantly squabbling about the...
Can dogs and cats live happily together?
Often the famous saying " fighting like cats and dogs " is worthless, despite their differences; Dogs and cats can live happy without any problems, unlike many two-legged...
Talking to dogs is normal and good for you too! But do they understand?
Talking with dogs is a normal thing for dog lovers and some of us think that they understand everything we say. The truth is...
Where should dogs sleep? Our armchairs or a doghouse?
Where should dogs sleep? The “dog on the armchair” is a classic. Anyone who has shared much of their life with a dog knows...
Dogs sense of smell: Dog Sniffs & Nose games for dogs
Dogs sense of smell... One of dog’s natural predispositions that bothers many human, and often inexplicably provokes disgust, is their tendency to sniff. But...
Understanding dog language, from body language to vocalizations
We often here that the only things our dogs are missing is the power of speech. In fact the dog language is not so devoid of...
Why do dogs lick their owner’s feet, hands and face?
Have you ever wondered why dogs lick their owner’s feet, hands and face? If you think they’re doing it just because they want to...
Territorial dogs and the defense of canine territory inside a pack
To talk about the territorial dogs we need to talk about canine ethology and carefully observe dog behavior in a pack. For our four...