Know your dog is essential for instilling a good relationship with our four legged friends. Have you ever asked yourselves if you really know your pet? Can you understand your dog and what it wants to say to you? We will discover how to understand dog behavior how to better the relationship between dog and master.
Why should you know your dog
Much of dog’s behavior is innate; others however are direct consequences of their owners not knowing their dogs well enough. Yet again, the problem isn’t the dog but the people. In some cases people don’t understand their dogs so they choose to ignore them, in other cases they think they know their dogs but in reality they want to communicate something completely different.
It’s important to remember that every form of dog training is strictly tied to the type of dog, the breed, and most of all its everyday life. Nevertheless there are many things that they have in common. They are highly sociable animals and they are very curious about the world around them. We can in fact instill a wonderful relationship right from the start since puppies consider us a member of their pack, just like we consider them a member of the family. Just due to the fact that we will be able to count on such an important friend for the rest of our lives should be enough to push us to know our pets as best we can.
How to understand dog behavior
To understand dog behavior we will need to know canine body language very well. For example if your dog wags its tail when you come home it means that it’s very happy to see you, but at the same time it could also indicate a state of anxiety or excitement for a particular object or event. But when your dog barks, it can be expressing various things even if to us barking is always the same. For example, it could simply be barking to get our attention to play with him, or it could be to warn us of danger. If you are wondering why dogs howl, it’s usually to communicate their position to others.
If you notice your dog with erect ears “at attention” it means it is paying attention to a certain noise, but on the contrary, if it folds its ear back down it might be afraid of something. The same goes for its eyes: if your dog rolls over on its side in search of a tummy scratch and almost closes them, it is a typical sign of submission, but on the contrary if it opens them very wide it might be very angry!
As you have been able to see from these examples, every part of its body can reflect different moods, or can be a way to communicate something important, now it is up to you to know your dog and try to spend as much time as possible with it to observe its behavior!