How to lose weight by walking your dog: Dog walking and running

jogging with dog

How many times have you seen people running to lose weight? Breathless, perhaps under a scorching sun and dripping with sweat from all sides! Well, dog lovers are in luck! They did not even need to run, they just rely on their dog to keep fit! That’s right, our four-legged friend is a perfect personal trainer, and let’s face it, isn’t it nicer to lose weight by walking with the dog than to run for hours or by following some kind of horrible diet? We discover how to lose weight by walking with the dog thanks dog walking and running with the dog !

The benefits of dog walking

Once we decide to welcome a dog into our lives, we must be aware and responsible and assume all the commitments that dog ownership requires. This involves spending time in the company of our furry friend, giving him lots of love, and taking care of him. Sometimes our activities in his company make us even healthier and fitter! Walking your dog is good for your heart and good for your figure! Scholars of the University of San Diego (USA) have shown with research published in Preventive Medicine the physical and psychological benefits of dog walking.

The study was conducted with a thousand volunteers and showed that 64% of them go to walk with the dog at least 186 minutes a week. These 186 minutes of dog walking is equivalent to the minimum physical activity that the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association recommend to protect the health of the heart and the entire circulatory system. According to scholars to preserve the proper blood circulation and improve respiratory function, we should complete 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least 5 times a week; values that are highly surpassed by those who love long walks in the company of their furry friends.

lose weight by walking

How to lose weight by walking with the dog

Walking with the dog rather than running for weight loss is a great idea! Not only is it nice to spend time in the company of your four-legged friend, but the physical exertion will be much lower and more consistent; in fact there are very few people who manage to maintain fast paced jogging throughout the year. In addition, a study of the Institute of Infection and Global Health by the University of Liverpool has highlighted the advantages of dog walking even for pregnant women. It’s been shown that pregnancy is less burdensome for women who walk with their dog, compared with pregnant women that do not have one or who do not have the motivation to carry out moderate physical activity outdoors.

With dog walking it is easy to lose weight by walking , you can also lose weight fast if during the walks, where possible, you let your dog off leash and play with him! If you carry  on with this exercise for at least 30 minutes and a minimum of 3 times a day, the weight loss is guaranteed! Needless to say, if you follow a balanced and careful diet, the results will be visible in no time!

How to lose weight by running with the dog

Another exercise that can be done with your four-legged friend is dog running , that is running with the dog . If you decide to do this work, you may want to get a complete check-up for both you and to your furry friend. Always begin gradually and then get used to do jogging with the dog and then slowly build up to actual running.

Thanks to the dog running, your dog will be happy to spend time with you and it will solve all in one shot all the problems that could arise if a dog gets too little physical activity . What’s more, you’ll also have the chance to lose weight without dieting and protect your cardiovascular system. What could be better? The following is a rough chart of calories that you can burn while dog walking and dog running for 30 minutes. All that’s left is to wish you a good jog! You will see that results will be visible pretty quickly!

60 101 43 115
70 118 50 134
80 134 58 154
90 151 65 173