There are rules of good conduct that are very clear to our four-legged friends but that are often unclear to we humans, and which often cause unpleasant situations not only between dogs but also between their masters. Here’s the classic sentence: “do not worry, my dog is very good!” As if this automatically makes it ok to approach another dog and their owner. On the other hand there might be a dog on a leash that does not like the approach of a similar one and could react more or less violently. So let’s look at these good conduct rules to make long walks with our dog without any problems.
Walks with the dog and dog friendship
Beyond the fact that two dogs have to be introduced the right way, especially if on the leash, the rules to follow while walking with the dog we want to remind you of are even more basic. So let’s take a step back and analyze the circumstances in which this encounter takes place. A classic example is when we are walking with the dog on a narrow sidewalk. A bit like in in a movie, another owner with their dog appear suddenly from behind the bend. Many in this circumstance tend to cross the street quickly to avoid conflict, and in fact, this is never a bad idea if you are having trouble managing the encounter.
The worse ones, on the other hand, are those who, while walking with the dog, want at all costs to make friends with their four-legged friends; But not in an open space and following the rules of canine socialization, but on the street and on the leash. Yet it is well known that dogs on the leash can show more aggressive behavior than loose dogs , because they feel limited in movement and are not able to escape. But are the other dogs we meet during our walks as good as ours? And above all, are we sure they want to make friends?
The rules of good conduct for walks with the dog
If during your walks with your dog, your furry friend lets you know that he isn’t interested in making canine friends, don’t force it. If he do not want to do it and you do not understand it, he’ll have to contend with the situation himself, potentially by biting the other dog (who may, in turn, bite back!) It is also worth remembering that adult dogs tend to educate puppies , making themselves understood clearly, that they do not like “paws in the face ” (just as many humans are annoyed when another person gets too close and touches them continually).
In this case, if the puppy’s owner does not understand that his puppy may be considered too intrusive; it is possible that the latter, instead of receiving a warning bite, is bitten hard. So, even if the other owner keeps saying “don’t worry, my dog is friendly”, keep in mind that your dog may not be interested in making friends, and it’s always important to remember that.