Home Dogs Dog health

Dog health

Dog health, veterinary tips and advice! The most important step in curing illnesses is prevention, so it is important to know how to recognize the symptoms, at least the most glaring ones, of the most common dog diseases. Everything there is to know to have a dog that is healthy and in the form… We will find out how to recognize symptoms of dog diseases, for example a dog fever or a dog with a cough. We will talk about the most relevant topics: from anti-patristics for dogs to natural remedies designed to improve a dog’s health.

We will learn the basic points that relate to the care of the dog, giving our dog lovers a lot of veterinary advice about dogs! We will also endeavor to help you recognize a possible poisoning, or an insect bite on a dog, incidents which, without a timely intervention, may put at risk the lives of our beloved dogs, not leaving us even the time to arrive at the vet’s. We will try to outline a first response, even before you arrive at the veterinarian. We should always remember however that we shouldn’t play doctors, therefore it is essential to know how to intervene to apply first aid, but a visit and the advice of a specialist are indispensable.

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